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SQYSOFT® - Creator of solutions.

Development of Saas solutions Traceability Transport, WMS, ERP, Global Management System (GMS)
Manage your transport, warehouse and / or interventions on site or workshop.


Software development

25 years of experience in the field of transport, logistics, on-site maintenance and IT have enabled us to create software adapted to the operational realities of VSE / SMEs.


We offer the possibility of a support 7j / 7j - 24h / 24h (only in French). Our experience allows us to be a consulting force. Our operational support will offer you the solutions and the best solutions adapted to your needs.

Saas Mode

Our solutions are only available in SaaS mode. This allows total availability wherever you are from a single browser. In addition, tools for PDA or SmartPhone (only Android v4.4 or highter) are available for roamers.

Data warehousing

All our solutions are hosted in Datacenter in France.


COLIX® Transport

Designed for real-time traceability of parcels.
COLIX® The solution is suitable for any company wishing to incorporate comprehensive tracking its transport offer:

- Status in Real Time. - Detection of anomalies in real time.
- Road management
- Groupage
- Geolocation of events
- Electronic signature, Photos of anomalies ...

COLIX® Drop point

In addition to the other modules or independently, manage your inputs / outputs of relay points.

- Status in Real Time. - Detection of anomalies in real time.
- Electronic signature
- Signature by badge with the new identification system Colix Id®

New in 2017 - available in February

COLIX® Id-card

A unique and innovative identification device.

Id-card is a unique authentication device within Colix® applications
- The Id-card is an Android application that, in classic use, dematerializes the card with classic barcode allowing to identify with its smartphone. - When connected, the Id-card is an NFC device which in addition to the identification allows to sign electronically and in a secure way.
- The Id-card is also available as a NFC TAG.

They use our solutions